About Us
Based in Union Mills on Isle of Man, Hawkeye Logic are modern age company using states of art technology to put cameras in sky, by doing this able to capture aerial data their previously to expensive or time consuming to achieves.
The equipment at many different names, such as; Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), UAS, UAV, Drone, Multi-Rotor, Quadcopter, Hexacopter, Octocopter. Regardless of name you call them, have revolutionised aerial photography and data acquisition.
The Team on board at Hawkeye Logic Ltd have combined 28 years, of experience commercial aviation. With this experience you can sure our pilots the knowledge and that skills required to completes job.
We offer a wide variety of services ranging from aerial photography/ videography to aerial surveying, detecting infected crops to creating digital 3D models of houses. We can also create contoured/ topographical maps.
- Architectural services
- Asset inspection
- Real estate sales
- Property development (commercial or domestic)
- Business advertising
- Travel/tourism
- Agriculture
- Insurance claims
- Photograph Your Home
- Building Survey

Contact Us
With being granted PfCO (permission for commercial operation) by the CAA and the IOMCAA, Hawkeye Logic Ltd can provide wide range of aerial footage, ranging, from aerial photography to asset inspection and survey work. Using of states that equipment can provide ultra smooth footage in 4K.
Our pilots are fully trained and fully insured. We believe safety should always be primary focus when operating RPAS. To responsible, reliable and at competent partner in business. Our staff will always welcome you with a friendly and professional attitude.
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Fully Insured Licenced Professionals

Trained by National Air Traffic Services

CAA Approved

IOMCAA approved